On the calendar GREY = Indoor Space, GREEN = Outdoor Space, PURPLE = Both Indoors and Outdoors
About Nova Dogsport
- 75′ x 30′ indoor working space. Spacious waiting and crating areas, mezzanine level viewing/lounge area.
- Flooring is dog and handler friendly Comfort-King Supreme Matting (what is used in Clean Run’s facility).
- Well lit, high ceilings, washrooms, and heated (12 – 17 degrees) in winter months.
- 65′ x 140′ outdoor working space. Fully fenced, astro-turf footing.
- High quality and safe agility equipment.
- Treats, toys and and other accessories for sale.
- Canine Fitness Room – Fitpaws equipment (peanuts, discs, pods, fit bones, donuts, wobble boards, etc..)

Rental Prices and Details
Non-Commercial Rentals:
(prices include tax)
For one person:
– $25 for 30 minutes, $30 for 45 minutes, $35 per hour. $8.75 per 15 minute block on bookings over an hour in length.
For additional people:
– Add 20% of base rental cost per additional person. For example, it would be an additional $7 for a 1 hr rental for 1 extra person.
Prices are the same for the indoor and outdoors spaces. Spaces are booked separately. If availability permits you can book the two spaces at the same time for 1.5 the rates listed above.
To book your rental time, check the calendar (link above) for availability and e-mail [email protected] or call 902-402-4127 to make your booking(s). First time renters must read and sign our Information & Agreement Form (sent via email).
Commercial Rentals
– We may be able to provide trainers with time for classes, events and seminars. Email [email protected] for more information.
Photo credits to Sherry Fraser, Claire Fraser, Mauresa Godbout, and Catherine Brennan
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