Distance & Gamble Handling 11
A 4-week Workshop on Drive and Distance Skills for Gamblers and Agility Confidence
Offered by Excel Canine Performance Consulting trainer Gay Harley, Cert. CF
Mondays at 8 pm starting April 30 2018 and running 4 straight weeks.
Cost is $105 incl HST
This workshop is suitable for teams with a foundation in distant handling. This course will build on the foundation training for all aspects of distance handling and achievement in gamble classes and distance performance on all courses.

In 4-weeks we will cover:
- Verbal and directional cues
- Obstacle performance at a distance on all obstacles (weaves, contacts, jumps, and tunnels)
- Building drive for equipment while maintaining handler awareness
- Obstacle discrimination
- Use of body language and ‘handling the line’
- Sends and layering
- Gamble course strategies
From instructor Gay Harley: I am passionate about distance handling for all agility teams. My own dogs have won National and Regional gamble championships in both large and medium/small divisions. Any dog can go from a Velcro partner to a distance star with the right foundation skills.
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